Monday, April 13, 2009

Documenting Reality

Last week, I decided to check-in with Reginald Bibby. He produces interesting work, and I hadn't heard from him his recently, so I decided to see if he had anything coming down the pipeline.

He certainly does.

And, in fact, since I checked last week, his research has exploded into the Canadian media scence. Mr. Bibby has been conducting surveys since the 1980s.

I'm most interested in the 'faith' component of his survey. His findings are unsurprising, but chilling.

Since Project Teen began its surveys in 1984, the percentage of teens who identify as Roman Catholic has declined by one third, and the percentage who identify as Protestant is down by almost two-thirds.

Only 13 % of teens identified themselves as Protestant in 2008. What a discouraging survey!