Saturday, January 22, 2011

Augustine Prayer

Grant to us your servants: to our God - a heart of flame; to our men - a heart of love; to ourselves - a heart of steel.- Augustine

Source: Collins, Owen ed. Classic Christian Prayers: A Celebration of Praise and Glory. New York: Testament Books, 1999, p. 294.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Andre Agassi on Famous People

I’m struck by how fast the surreal becomes the norm. I marvel at how unexciting it is to be famous, how mundane famous people are. They’re confused, uncertain, insecure, and often hate what they do. It’s something we always hear – like that old adage that money can’t buy happiness – but we never believe it until we see it for ourselves.

Agassi, Andre, Open. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009, p. 168.