Sunday, February 06, 2011

Puritan Prayer

I've melded parts of several Puritan prayers, and modernized some of the language.

Sovereign Lord and God of glory
You have given us a mission
to go forth and spend our life for you;
If it be your will, let us proceed in it;
if not, then revoke our intentions.
All we want in life is such circumstances
as may best enable us to serve you in the world.
To this end we leave all our concerns in your hands.
Enable us to undertake tasks for you,
for this refreshes and animates our soul.
But, O what a death it is to strive and labour,
to be always in a hurry and yet do nothing!
Alas, time flies and we are of little use.
O that we could be a flame of fire in your service,
always burning in continual blaze.
Kindle in our hearts a zeal for the service for your kingdom.
Give us a deeper sense of our sinfulness, and
may the weeds that grow in our soul be cut at their roots.
Grant us to know that we truly live only when we live for you.
Teach us that if we do not live a life that satisfies you,
we shall not live a life that satisfies ourselves.
Please give us a hope that makes us not ashamed,
a love that excites us to holy obedience,
a joy in you that is our strength,
a faith in your Son who loved us and died for us.
In Jesus’ name we pray.